Good Mourning

Piper's efforts to give a touching eulogy at her grandfather's funeral are thwarted when her loose…

In Sight

From the top of a grassy hill, Patrick spots Jane staring up at the hallucinations which until now,…

Don’t Water The Vine

An ambitious young architect tries to hold his life together after he starts uncontrollably…

For Them

Two lovers reflect on their future Director's Statement This film was created out of a need to…

Action Dinosaur

Action Dinosaur follows a time traveling action hero T-Rex from the prehistoric 80s and his best…

Midnight Hour

As a creative you have sometimes to start with a clean sheet, and explore your dreams. Midnight…

La Plume & Le Papier

Alexis "Bust" Stephens is a street artist and hip hop dancer out of Paris, France who's motivation…

This is a Robbery

A night. An office. A thief, hunter for printers and other small loot, finds a safe with a lot of…


Crystal, a former ballet dancer, returns home after being sex-trafficked and struggles to shake the…

Tramp Republic

Two homeless people establish a micro-nation on an island in the L.A. River. Director's Statement…