In the aftermath of a deadly haunting in a small suburban home, a sinister omnipresent entity proceeds to cause havoc in the private lives of a young boy, an unsuspecting teen, and an absent minded inspector.
This surreal mood-setting film is a clever workpiece from Montreal filmmaker Santiago Menghini, where in the aftermath of a deadly haunting in a small suburban home, a sinister omnipresent entity proceeds to cause havoc in the private lives of a young boy, an unsuspecting teen, and an absent minded inspector.
Intruders is a surreal horror film that deals with unsettling supernatural fears. The film is divided into three chapters that cover brief vignettes of tension and suspense. The film uses provocative imagery to incite anxiety and mystery, in order to invite viewers to create their own eerie conclusions.
The film is an adaptation of two short underground comics, one by Uno Moralez and the other by Al Columbia. Santiago shows us a visual comparison to the comics for Jacov and 5:45AM.
The strong settings create the film’s unforgettable feelings of anxiety and terror, with a tremendous surrounding of set decor and especially lighting – completed by a direction that will leave your teeth grinding.