In this erotic thriller, when a controlling financier returns home to find a presumed sex worker waiting for him, their opposite agendas unravel at the hands of whiskey, rope, and Vivaldi.
Director’s Vision for ‘Collector’s Item’
Through our society’s treatment of women and femmes, a twisted manipulation can cause us to detach from ourselves – often through sexual assault, gaslighting, or general misogyny. This amalgamation is frequently weaponized by certain men who don’t truly understand kink but rather use it as an excuse to enact violence for their benefit. Collector’s Item was created largely in response to my anger about this abuse and my curiosities around inverting it. This film explores what happens when we don’t allow ourselves to be diminished but instead transformed. However, how far can empowerment expand before it turns into something else? What is the best way to move forward in a broken system?’