A dark comedy about couple’s encounter with a suspected communist during the height of the Cold War in the mid-1950s.
Set in the 50’s during the Cold War, Hurricane is a dark comedy by Christiano Dias who brings a different dimension and certainly an uncoveted view of the era’s fears and concerns. Sharply written and directed with poise, the film gives us a rich comical edge with a curious development on the characters.
Hurricane was made as a direct result of my own illogical fears of the growing threat of terrorism in the United States today. Much like the Cold War sparked the same paranoia towards Communism in the 1950s, the growing insecurity towards terrorist organizations infiltrating America in it’s own backyard seems like history repeating itself. The current state of US/ Russia relations is trending toward the re-emergence of McCarthyism in some respects. Thus, Hurricane is simply a commentary on how those same feelings can cause one to imagine doomsday scenarios from the most innocuous of circumstances, like our very own Oslo Alduars (Corey Page).
Filmed in a single location, the team took the time to dress the setting considerably to really amplify the feeling of the era. However the textures and props play only as backgrounds in regard to the powerful performance by the cast, where the dialogue-heavy script is deeply grasped through some credible play on emotion. The film is next set to screen at Hill Country Film Festival on April 27th, on the 29th they will be accepting the Remi Award at WorldFest Houston, and a screening on the 30th at USA Film Festival.