Before taking her talents to directing, Ewurakua Amoah-Dawson trained in Shito Ryu Karate for 15 years. Last year, she returned to her childhood dojo to interview her instructor, Shihan. “The Knife is Sharp” is created for the dojo Ewurakua once called home, featuring the man who taught her how to stand.
Director’s Vision for ‘The Knife is Sharp’
My passion lies in movement-based pieces. I’m most inspired when I can create visually experimental films that highlight the body, so naturally, I’ve always been drawn to sports films. But I wasn’t seeing many opportunities to create them, so I decided to make my own. I trained in Shito Ryu Karate for 15 years and returned to my childhood dojo to create a piece for them. I could not wait to blend my love for karate with my drive to create a high-energy sports film.
I interviewed my instructor, “Shihan” and used his interview to guide the story. When I asked Shihan what he viewed as the most important aspect of Shito Ryu he immediately told me FORM. “Training is only the first step, what you’re training is your form. Form is everything. Sharpen your form, every day, and they’ll know the knife is sharp.”