In the backdrop of present-day New York, the film follows a couple in their 70s who immigrated from Hong Kong, happily married for decades. The husband (Chun), who has been suffering from dementia, has slowly forgotten his wife (Lin). Harkening to the old days in Hong Kong selling their iconic Red Bean Soup, Lin hopes to bring her husband’s memory back through the nostalgic bowl of this heartwarming desert.
Director’s Vision for ‘Red Bean Soup’
It has always been interesting to observe how we connect with one another, especially with the ones that we are exceptionally close with. These connections are often formed by a ground of habitual behaviors and actions that seems rather meaningless or simply sacrificial. The purpose that made us be willing to make such selfless moves and stay in this repeating cycle for another individual has always been surprising. The hunger for connection and, yet, constant rejection intrigues me. Due to an accident a few years ago, I had a mild concussion that led to a temporary memory loss. For a couple of hours, I have forgotten my partner, my friends, and also where I was, the state of confusion and fear strikes me. The experience reminded me of those who suffered from dementia and made me question what relationships actually are. The thought lingers and sparks the script idea. Red Bean Soup is my Cantonese thesis film that hopes to drill into the art of connection. It is a simple story, in a simple setting, and with two first-time actors looking into a basic matter.