FLWRS (2019) is a short film that addresses our universal need to find meaningful connection. To connect with the outside world we must first connect with ourselves.

Director’s Statement

The need to connect is universal and integral to our well-being. How we connect differs circumstantially, but fundamentally remains to be a need. A need to grow, to belong, to be in tune with the motion and stillness around us.

“FLWRS” addresses this need and raises the challenge that to connect with everything outside of you, you should connect with yourself and plant your roots within your soul. From there your garden can grow, from there you can let everything else go. As our choreographer Sky Nowotnik stated, “this work is so important in starting conversation on valuing and growing our relationships within ourselves as well as with others so that we may find a sense of community and balance.”

Having recently been faced with a difficult life changing decision, I found myself standing my truth and in my power again after not having directed anything of mine for over a year now. Getting the opportunity to reconnect was a blessing and I hope that with this film I can help others find the courage to look inwards and find a way to bridge any gaps they might feel within themselves.