When an anxious new father struggling to connect with his infant daughter stays home to take care of her by himself for the first time, things start to unravel in an unexpected way.

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Director’s Vision for ‘Dad Bod’

The first time I tried to put my baby daughter down to sleep for the night, she cried so loudly my apple watch warned me that the decibel levels were unsafe for my long term hearing. After I anxiously sang a panicked version of “Down by the Bay” 100 times, she finally stopped screaming and peacefully dozed off to sleep. As I collapsed on to the couch, and my heart returned to its normal beating rate, I texted my wife – “I did it”. Trophy emoji.

In the days following, I couldn’t shake the feelings I had experienced that night –– excitement, fear, terror, disappointment, frustration, relief, pride, exultation –– which I could only encapsulate as *the feeling of being a dad who wants to do more than they might be capable of*.

About a year and a half later, I set out to make a film about that feeling –– and with the help of so many incredible collaborators, I got to make something that I’m really proud of. It’s a project that has taken me on a similar emotional journey to the one I experienced that night.

I’m so excited to put the film online and out into the world. If you’re a parent, or have ever had a parent, I think you’ll enjoy it!

I did it. 🏆