Ridden with guilt after the untimely death of his wife from a rare blood disease, grief-stricken Getty turns his hobby shed into a bloody altar of worship and brutal sacrifice in his relentless search for Redemption. As he descends into madness, many will bleed…

BLOODSHED. It’s where you bleed.

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Directors’ Vision for ‘Bloodshed’

Bloodshed was conceived with a deep curiosity of the human experience and ravenous obsession for the Horror genre. Specifically, it is an examination of grief. Or rather its denial. How deep can survivor’s guilt course through our veins? What happens to someone when they bury their grief? Refusing to feel the more painful (but inescapable) of human emotions will only fester within your gut, cripple your spirit and gnaw at your sanity… Exploring our main character’s pathos and vulnerability anchored the piece, made it that much more raw, tangible and, ultimately, disturbing to us. Because it was real. We were inspired/ haunted by these themes and knew we had to transfer our shared dread to the screen. We strove to create a visceral piece that will unsettle yet also emotionally affect both hardcore horror/genre fans and a broader international audience alike. In the end, we hope people find the film equal parts arresting, entertaining, emotional and even cathartic. One that will leave its mark on them long after they’ve experienced it…