The Weekend Shortlist

Last week Disney released to the public their Oscar nominated short film Paperman, and to everyone’s big surprise it’s completely free! The short is said to be the future of animation, using new techniques combining 3D surroundings with an overlay of 2D drawings by artists, creating aesthetics never seen before in 2D.

As breathtaking as the new technique is, giving it an amazing and unique look, the story seems somewhat familiar to me. Have you ever seen the short film Signs? Perhaps one of the most popular short films online with over millions of views, created by Patrick Hughes in 2009. Ok there is no paper planes in Signs, but the idea of the story is very similar… Love at first sight with a girl in the building across facing your window, both using paper to get a message to the other side. I will not spoil the rest, watch both shorts and let me know what you think of the resemblance.

Paperman & Signs similarities


by John Kahrs


by Patrick Hughes

Here are a couple of other short animations to finish off the weekend!

Bad Toys II

by Daniel Brunet & Nicolas Douste

Simply clever imagination! Daniel & Nicolas just sunk into the mind of every 7 year old boy and brought it to our screen. A mix between real action and cartoon animation, the French duo depicted perfectly how kids make the transition from playing with toys to reality, or the imagination of reality.

See how they made it on their Facebook Page

Do It Again

by Jon Kristinsson

Just a neat short film animation about a man and his work by Jon Kristinsson.