On the most brutal day of bullying, Toby a 14 year old boy discovers his fathers dark secret and develops a new sense of power.
Bullying still has a very real frightening presence in high schools today, and director Robert Weiermair certainly portrays it in his short film ‘Bully’. But Robert takes it a step further and demonstrates certain unexpected from the effects of bullying. The film kicks off as a video of toby being brutally humiliated at school appears on the internet, toby’s high school and parents take action. However, with an overbearing father and a will fully unaware mother, toby soon learns that his demons aren’t just in the classroom.
I wanted to make a film (BULLY) that examined the complex issue of the roles that Victims and Bullies play. My goal was to try and make it feel honest, and representative of the pressures and circumstances that lead up to people being both victims and bullies. I also wanted to see if I could flip their roles in relation to each other and what the potential results could be.
With feature film like qualities, it’s no surprise that director Robert Weiermair was able to snatch some impressive casting talent, led by Richard Meehan who truly brought the character’s depth to another level with simple body language. The rest simply flows charmingly together, getting a constant story growth while keeping the viewer intrigued with a deep character development.