A woman returns home with a new plant to the dismay of her partner.

Director’s Vision for ‘What’s There to Talk About’

Michelle Lucy and I met the week prior at a film festival. I saw her film and loved her performance so much I decided I wanted to shoot something before she flew back to Ireland. The subject matter in the film is similar to two other films I have previously written and directed. I thought it would be interesting to tackle the same subject matter a third time but in a completely different format and tone. Michelle wrote the film on Thursday, we filmed on Saturday and she flew back to Ireland on Sunday. We wanted to capture a “fork in the road” moment for a couple without any cuts or other cinematic manipulation like score or sound design. We simply wanted to capture a moment in time. There is no editing, not even to trim seconds off the beginning or end. In the end, we have a physical piece of 16mm that captures a turning point in a couple’s relationship.