Struggling to cope with the loss of her father, a young girl escapes reality to seek answers in a timeless world of dreams and hope. Threading through the steps of grief, she journeys towards the bittersweet acceptance of life’s never-ending dance between darkness and light.

‘Quest’ is a short film about grief which explores courage within vulnerability and love within pain, where the feelings of loss and loneliness are interwoven with the innocence and imagination of childhood.

Director’s Vision for ‘Quest’

‘Quest’ is a journey through grief – something we have all had to escape, endure and embrace.

This is a film I wish my younger version could’ve watched to help her understand death better, when the pain and confusion of loss and loneliness was tearing her apart. Whether at the age of nine or nineteen, these feelings perplexed me each time, leaving me with scars and questions, and I believe that a film like this is something we can all revisit and relate to when we need some comfort and clarity.

By interweaving fantasy with reality, and joy with sorrow, I hope that ‘Quest’ reflects the dualities of life as we wander through the ups and downs, seeking meanings and connections.