Unemployed, single, and pregnant, Max has no plan for her future. Alone and depressed, she is out of options, until a friend helps her come up with an idea that could change everything. Overcoming her own doubts and past failures, she emerges empowered and gaining the confidence to embark on a new journey into uncharted and exciting territory.

Director’s Vision for ‘Plan C’

This film will always hold a special place in my heart. It captures a moment I will cherish forever, as a first time director and a first time soon to be Mom.

I knew I had to make this film at 7 months pregnant because it was a story I felt had to be told. As a woman I was shocked by how little we talk about the real struggles of pregnancy from depression to body dysphoria to disconnection, it goes on. I was left feeling bamboozled from what I knew from other narratives because it was supposed to be a happy perfect time, right? This made me realize that we aren’t talking about it enough. What is actually normal and part of pregnancy is made to feel like you’re doing it wrong because of this lack of discussion.

I drew inspiration from many films, from Katelin Arizmendi’s cinematography in Swallow, to the narrative disconnection aspect of Sofia Coppola’s Lost in Translation to Diablo Cody’s Young Adult. Aphex Twin’s music video Windowlicker directed by Chris Cunningham’s was also a random inspiration that stood with me from when I first saw it as a young teen.

My hope is that the film promotes healthy conversation around women’s bodies and the journey of pregnancy, the good and the bad. Empowering women through this discussion, so we all feel less alone while creating the miracle of life.