Overexposed is the story of Logan (played by Levi Peterson), a Los Angeles Paparazzi and aspiring actor. Driven by an unyielding desire for superstardom and a knack for taking the right photo at the right time, Logan finds himself with blackmail material over a famous actor. The film explores themes of success at the cost of one’s morals and celebrity ideation in this gripping story of one man pursuing his dream.

Director’s Vision for ‘Overexposed’

The push and pull of intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation is something that has long interested me. A big dream—even an honest one—is often accompanied by visions of reward and validation. I wanted to examine how the desire for success could be simultaneously fueled and corrupted by viewing oneself through someone else’s eyes—or, indeed, their photographs. A want-to-be A-list actor with a side hustle as a Paparazzi felt like a fun avenue to follow these themes, and my good friend, Levi Peterson, stood out as the perfect person for the role. Both pursuing careers in film and having a degree of awareness of our own delusions of grandeur, we could have honest conversations about the need to work for the joy of the process as well as the desire to make and become something admirable. Kathryn Jurbala saved the day as producer/sound/grip/extraordinaire of our two-person crew, and we spent two wonderful, hectic days shooting around Hollywood and greater Los Angeles.