Eleanor, an early twenties virgin, is finally ready to embrace all things vaginas, blowjobs, and fornication. 

Only problem being – she may not have the working parts.

Director’s Vision for ‘Juicy’

Juicy is a comedic satire that examines the subtle shaming of women’s sexuality and the chaos that arises from a lack of understanding of the female body. In a world where sex education often feels like a forgotten punchline or a fleeting sixth-grade lesson, the film explores the disempowerment women, including myself, experience due to inadequate knowledge of their evolving bodies. My own journey of awkward insecurities and countless questions about my developing body inspired Juicy. With this film, I aim to unravel the mystery surrounding a woman’s self-discovery, akin to a forbidden Narnia, with the goal of not only demystifying but also normalizing female sexuality and reclaiming its rightful ownership.