When the pandemic hits, two men are forced to evaluate their unexpected long distance relationship.

Director’s Vision

We made this film at the beginning of the pandemic in May 2020. Our shelter-in-place neighbor on sound, and my partner as cinematographer. It came from a place of reality- my head and heart were in two places. Not sure whether to return back to Australia or to remain in Los Angeles, I put myself into my partner’s shoes and realised a world during all this noise where we would also be navigating a long distance relationship across the Pacific. In order to not leave a good relationship and the life we had built here for ourselves, I made this film as a semi-cleansing development which i’m happy to say turned into a film that I hope people can connect to. I wanted to steer away from a soundtrack and accentuate those specific sounds of COVID season 1 – news sound bites, instagram stories, phone calls to loved ones etc (my mum playing herself unknowingly – sorry mum). With Australia’s borders (and my home state border) being opened gradually this month as vaccinations rise, I wanted to release It’ll Be Over Soon into the world; a capsule of a time when all of us experienced alienation, isolation and unfamiliar despair and confusion. Thanks for watching.