Best Picks of The Month

Neighbors whose homes are divided by a concrete wall engage in a daily battle for extra square footage, pushing against the wall to gain an advantage. Like a heavy press, the concrete fence squeezes one side or the other, leading to inevitable victims. One day, a little girl makes a hole in the wall and a hole in the wall and finds an endless tunnel connecting similar rooms inside the wall.

Director’s Vision for ‘Gun’

The song was written by Manizha 10 years ago and was dedicated to the Civil war in Tajikistan in 1994. A shell destroyed her home, and her family was compelled to leave. The director, Lado Kvataniya, has a similar experience. In 1992, during the Georgian-Abkhaz war, one of the bloodiest conflicts in the former USSR, broke out. This tragedy forced Lado’s family to flee their home in Abkhazia.

In 2022, at the rise of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Manizha resumed working on the song. While this work was proceeding – the 7th of October happened, followed by Gaza. It seems like we didn’t choose this time, but the time has chosen when this work needed to appear. Even this short timeline of the song’s life shows us just how overwhelmed with conflicts our planet is: there are 110 of them as of now and more seem to come.

The world is fucked up and it feels like there’s no way to change it so the only way we’re gonna change anything is to look at the children – they know better than us. Let’s learn from children how to connect and not teach them how to divide.
We owe them PEACE.