Inspired by true events, Gabriel follows a grieving mother (Anya) as she struggles to heal from the loss of her son. The inexorable linkage between Anya and her son’s killer (William) grows more palpable until Anya orchestrates an unimaginable act of redemption.
Director’s Vision for ‘Gabriel’
The vision for Gabriel was conceived during the pandemic with the goal of shooting a meaningful film with a passionate group of friends while trying to process existential and moral quandaries that came into focus during the year. Working through post-production on a feature documentary about the participants of a groundbreaking prison rehabilitation program, my mind and heart were often occupied by the themes of transgression and forgiveness. The question came up: is the best version of our humanity available to us in true moments of loss and devastation? I started to hear stories that answered that question with an emphatic, yes. From that answer and those stories, the story of Gabriel was created.