A hapless millennial Iranian-American woman wakes up one day as an ancient Babylonian Goddess and must learn to navigate the fanatical devotion of the entirety of New York. Over the course of the series, Beth discovers how to manage her power, reclaim her confidence, and find happiness, with a few helpful tips from fellow Babylonian Goddess Aya (Christina Toth, Orange is the New Black).

Director’s Statement

The show explores a range of contemporary themes from millennial entitlement and loneliness to gender-based double standards and what it means to be a powerful woman in today’s society. Beth feels invisible but also hates the spotlight. It’s human. Her journey from shame into pride is, I think, a universal journey. It’s not just confined to women, of course, but it’s something that’s very acute for a lot of women, especially in big cities like New York where we so often have to be powerful to be heard.

Watch the full season