An immigrant employee working at a rural motel discovers that a guest has passed away in one of the rooms. While he waits for an ambulance to arrive and life at the motel carries on as usual, our protagonist struggles to navigate his way through a world where indifference is abundant and empathy is scarce.

Directors Statement

This film was a labour of love for so many of the people involved in its creation, and certainly for me, it is a project that came to define much of my life in my early twenties. As a young filmmaker it is easy to look at all of the things I learned through the course of making A Walk Down To Water, and say that a main takeaway as a result of this experience is a promise to be a better writer and director the next time I create something. While I believe I’m a better filmmaker for having made this short, I am very proud of this film as it is, including its imperfections and flaws. Working with the lead of this film, Boban Stojanović, proved to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I’m proud of the risks we took on this unconventional short, from the pacing, to the minimalist way in which it was shot, to the footage I filmed while travelling solo in Denmark. Above all, A Walk Down To Water explores themes and questions that were at the center of my life when I was experiencing a transformative change in my outlook on the world. The result is something that I hope audiences can not only enjoy, but can be touched and moved by. Thank you to everyone who has watched, and to everyone who was a part of it.