Dulce Alarido

A sweet potato vendor stalks with his presence and – above all – with the spooky howl that his car emits, a lonely and decadent exotic dancer. The vendor is obsessed but feels her out of reach and just follows and observes, causing the rejection and anger of the dancer who in her work will face a dangerous situation that will take the story to an unexpected outcome.

Dulce Alarido is a dark story of loneliness, abuse, desire, encounter and hope. A fiction short film project in the form of a dramatic thriller that will be filmed in Mexico City and for which we need production funds.

We take the sweet potato vendor —a traditional figure in Mexico City— and the penetrating whistle emitted by his car to constructthe the main character and decisive element of the story .

Talented actors will be colaborating in the short film, among whom is Antonio Monroi (Apocalypto, Blueberry, Curandero. Blow), Marcela Morett (Un extraño enemigo, El Color de la Pasión, Ramona) and José Antonio Becerril(Yo soy yo) directed by Montserrat Larqué (Que vivan los novios, Veneno) and photographed by Juan Carlos Lelo de Larrea (The Partygoer, No me dejes, así Voces de Mixquic).