The shortest month is never short on shorts! The Best Picks of The Month highlight our Daily Short Picks that resonated the most with us and our audience. These are the best picks for the month of February 2023.

What’s on tap this month? A young Witch embarks on a journey to find BDE – AKA “Big Dick Energy” in Christina Diamantara’ Witchin’. An underground laboratory scientist works desperately to find out how a gorilla feels and what it wants in Andrew Juncker’s Gorilla Wants Banana. Things get quite spicy in Shapxo’s The Enemy – Our words are sharp, and sometimes they leave small cuts, that become deep bleeding wounds on the human souls. And finally, Roman Duneshenko hits us with a memorable micro short in Come Back, about a woman who was once again abused by her husband looks to make a final decision in the relationship

A friendly reminder to check out all our Featured Shorts this month as well (below) as our exciting YouTube Channel.