Josephine, a young flight attendant, is thinking of her lover on the other side of the world. Set in New York during this pandemic we all know too well, we follow Josephine through the warm days of Spring and her memories of this mysterious lover we never see. Halfway between an intimate letter, and fiction, it is a sensual poem about love, memory, and a looming heartbreak.

Director’s Vision

I have always been interested in how someone can still live with you through memories. When you start missing someone, little details of the person start shining through your memory. It is often hard to remember those moments when they happen, but a few months later, they simply hop on the train of your thoughts and appear out of nowhere. I wanted to make a film about those little moments, and what if felt to miss someone.

Especially those mementos that trigger emotions and can dictate our days. It could be an ice cube, a sentence from a poem, or even the breeze of a summer evening, and the memories start. When I started working on this idea, I wanted to try a more intuitive approach to storytelling. I was writing those vignettes as the days went by. I had a precise idea for the voice-over, but not a definite direction for the scenes. It’s only when I started editing that I assembled all the unique puzzle pieces we had been making during production. It was similar to the process of a collage and trying to make sense of everything we had shot.

We shot the film during the New York lockdown and life in the city was pretty much dead. The cinematographer and I started driving around the city, just so we could see how it felt to be in an empty city. I started having ideas, and in less than two weeks we started shooting with the actress Pauline Abram. We shot the film for 4-5 days, often waiting for the best light for the location. In the end, we probably shot in more than 30-40 locations around the city. I wanted to show the city in constructions, the empty streets, the boarded stores in Soho. Something that felt rawer, and what New York truly feels like when you live in the city.