Why are you running ?

This question she asked me many times, especially at the end of our story. Often I shrugged my shoulders, I didn’t know what to answer her.

The answer I had, I was no longer looking for the need for sport, for competition, no, it was an escape, our adventure was coming to an end, deep down I knew it but I refused to admit it, so I went far and long in the hope of finding her as I had on my first day when I returned.

Then, the story ends for good, the first reflex is to run away and leave all our memories behind, those memories that come back to you like flashes, so you speed up to try to free yourself from them but they don’t let go of you. You sprint, you scream, to get the sadness out of your body, but the good times and bad times come from all sides. The rhythm of your stride determines the rhythm of the images that follow in your head.
Finally you stop running, exhausted and like a ghost, she stands in front of you. You realize then that you have to accept these memories, our memories, because they are part of you, like her. There will never be a WE again, you have to accept it and live with it, but there will always be love in our eyes because it all started like that, with a look.