As an assignment for the parents, our daycare asked us to collect all objects that were important for our 3-year old son during the summer holiday and put them in a shoebox. These so-called summer boxes were used as an aid for the children to help them to vividly relate in the group about their experiences during the summer. I was thinking about a way to bring this box of objects alive in a film and to find a way to have the audience feel the emotions my son had during his holiday. As this idea grew, I contacted musician Vincent Fournier-Boisvert and asked if I could use his beautiful song ‘Un Mois de Bois Mort’ of the album ‘Mon Coeur est une Arme’ for this purpose.

Director’s Vision

Being a side project, I have filmed this in a year or so, picking it up once in a while. It took patience creating the macro shots and seeing how the footage could be best combined with Vincents song. I loved to do the project, as I could do some of the stuff with my son, and it was always nice to see how the film slowly grew.