Best Picks of The Month

Here we go again. The Best Picks of The Month highlight our Daily Short Picks that resonated the most with us and our audience. These are the best picks for the month of July 2024.

Experience a diverse range of emotions and narratives with these four short films. “Let This Feeling Go” by Andrew De Zen explores the need for self-expression as a young woman, primed to explode, finally lets loose. In “Stillness” by Rachel Flower, a photographer takes remembrance portraits for a family grieving a stillbirth, capturing the depth of their loss. “Just Lie to Me,” a dark comedy by Kelly Walker, delves into the identities of Noah and Brooke as their facades crumble in a clunky, revealing interaction. Lastly, “Breach / Where Does the One Sock Go?” by Brian Cummings blends sci-fi and fantasy, humorously exploring the universal mystery of the missing sock.

A friendly reminder to check out all our Featured Shorts this month (below) as well as our exciting YouTube Channel.

Featured Shorts of July