The Best Picks of The Month highlight our Daily Short Picks that resonated the most with us and our audience. These are the best picks for the month of August 2023.

This month’s selections offer a diverse range of stories and genres. In “I Don’t Need to Know” by Erin Murray, a woman humorously prods her boyfriend into discussing their sexual fantasies, resulting in an amusing and candid conversation. “God in the Sky,” directed by Daniel Fox and Sean Peter Fox, presents a thought-provoking sci-fi narrative where a cosmic entity grants visions of the afterlife to everyone on Earth, except for Dee, a teenage girl, leading her on a journey to grapple with her crisis of faith and newfound perspective on life. “Left Brain,” an animated music video by Omer Ben Shachar for Claudio Olachea‘s song, portrays a listless composer whose life is reinvigorated by an unexpected pestilent interruption, creating a visually captivating and musically engaging experience. Lastly, in “Bellybutton” by Hilary Eden, a Y2K-era teen girl grapples with the blurred lines between fantasy and reality when she gets a piercing for her birthday, exploring themes of self-discovery and growing up with humor and charm. These films captivate viewers with their humor, introspection, and imaginative storytelling.

A friendly reminder to check out all our Featured Shorts this month as well (below) as our exciting YouTube Channel.

Featured Shorts of August