Sheep (singular)
Sheep (singular) is a kickstarter projects looking for your help! Jake Juba is a filmmaker/musician born and bred in the idyllic lands of North Yorkshire, and is now about to direct a film about sheep. Here is what Jake has to say about his film:
Written by playwright Gregory Skulnick, ‘Sheep (singular)’ follows Walter, a farmer attempting to reconnect with his children, in an exploration of divorce, growth and enduring love that draws heavily on our personal backgrounds. I think it is safe to say that in 21st Century, we are all presented with such issues and this is why our story must be told. Combining Greg’s witty narrative with my ‘artsy’ aesthetic, no doubt we’ll make quite a usual film!
Visit Sheep (singular)’s Kickstarter page and learn all about their project, and don’t forget to donate!