Short films have so many advantages compared to the longer-screen variety. They may have less time to tell their story, but this appeals to certain film lovers. Screenwriters have to edit their screenplay, whittling it down to fit into a certain timeframe and to include only the most important scenes, dialogue, and characters. With that in mind, in this article, we’re going to look at what genres are popular and what factors have affected the industry in recent years.

The Most Popular Genres

It’s commonly said that the most popular genres in short films include comedy, horror, and drama. Although shorts and feature films can be very different, the same genres can work across both. One example of a very popular theme across both is the crime thriller. They provide the audience with excitement and suspense in equal measure and are so loved that the theme has crossed sectors in entertainment.

Genres such as crime thrillers can be especially fluid across entertainment formats. Take the bank heist thriller for example. We have seen it adapted to longer series, such as Money Heist on Netflix; figure in short films such as The Heist; as well as make its way into the iGaming sector. Online slot games like action bank provide gamers with the chance to mix the world of slots as well as break into a bank safe. With features like wilds and scatters, as well as bonuses like the big bank bonus, it gives gamers the chance to win off 20 pay lines. This demonstrates that genres can indeed be flexible and adaptable to different formats, be it features, shorts, or the iGaming industry.

YouTube Changes Everything

The middle of the 2000s brought with it one of the biggest changes in short films for decades. The video streaming technology allowed anyone from around the world with a working internet connection to upload their homemade videos for the world to see. It did much the same for filmmakers too. They now had a direct path to a place to host their movie for free and to allow an audience to watch it. Although it has some positives and negatives for filmmakers, it meant that filmmakers could get direct feedback instantly with comment and rating technology.

The Effect of Technology

As we have seen, the short film industry has changed a lot over the past couple of decades. Technology has played a huge role in this, as it has in many industries, and it continues to be the case. The next big change on the horizon is, of course, the role that AI (artificial intelligence) will play. It is still developing and increasing its capabilities, but one of the next industries it is going to alter is that of film.

It is only a matter of time, according to AI experts, before Oscar-worthy films will be made. Of course, that seems mind-boggling at the moment, especially when silly mistakes are still made by popular models, but it is a technology that is rapidly changing. It is going to happen; it is just a case of when.

The future of the short film industry will have plenty of surprises for everyone following it, with it even becoming a popular topic for creators themselves. If AI does have the effect it is promised to have, the sector should be ready for an incoming revolution that will change everything.