From having a powerful concept and strong character development to containing smooth editing and excellent attention to detail, there are various elements that make short films so special. Over the years, some productions have certainly managed to do it better than others, though, with a number of talented filmmakers creating compelling and impactful short movies for audiences to enjoy.

The genres that appeal the most

While there is a genre that any short film idea can fit into, there are some productions that appeal more than others. When assessing other forms of entertainment, the same applies. For example, while gamers everywhere enjoy puzzle releases at times, the opportunity to play realistic video games, such as Squad, is hard to ignore. Likewise, people everywhere generally prefer to watch fantasy-themed television shows over a documentary on the history of trains. Likewise, when assessing some of the most popular short film categories, drama, comedy, horror, fantasy, and thrillers tend to make up some of the most memorable productions.

So, without further ado, below is a brief look at six of the very best short films ever made.

The Lunch Date

There are hundreds of movies where a man and a woman are brought together in somewhat unusual circumstances, and The Lunch Date is one of them. In this short classic that lasts around 12 minutes, a judgemental female and man solely interested in his lunch are the pair under the microscope. What unfolds is a story full of twists and turns that showcase concise writing in the best way possible.

The Inner Eye

A short masterpiece by Satyajit Ray, The Inner Eye is a production many short movie lovers remember well. Particularly popular among the art community, this powerful documentary looks at the emergence of British Indian art, particularly thanks to Benode Behari, a blind artist who is widely regarded as a hero by many artists.

Night and Fog

While it can be tough to capture the essence of such a hard-hitting moment in history like Auschwitz in a short film, Night and Fog manages to do exactly that. A daring achievement that helped to enhance Alain Resnais’ reputation in the movie industry, Night and Fog journeys back to the horrors of Auschwitz just ten years after the Holocaust ended. An emotional, thought-provoking production, this short documentary is timeless.

The Seahorse

Not everyone knows this, but Martin Scorsese’s career originally took off in the short film sphere. The Big Shave is certainly one of his most memorable short movies, as viewers became engrossed at watching a man decimate his own face while having a shave. Released in 1967, it certainly shocked audiences, but it proved to be the perfect introduction to the broader work Scorsese has become so famous for today.

Duck Amuck

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Featuring the iconic Daffy Duck, Duck Amuck essentially contains the loveable character’s worst ever day. While its eye-catching animation style and charming feel are standout features of it, the short film’s storyline is what makes it even more special. From an array of aches and pains, to a variety of terrible scenarios that unfold throughout, Duck Amuck is a wonderful animation.

Kitchen Sink

A clogged-up sink is one of life’s biggest annoyances. Well, in Kitchen Sink, this common pain develops into something far more sinister. A unique production, Alison Maclean absolutely nailed this one, particularly given the outlandish events that occur following what appears to be a simple plumbing issue.

Special mention must also go to Meshes of the Afternoon, Dimensions of Dialogue, Scorpio Rising, La Jetée, Outer Space, Un Chien Andalou, Window Water Baby Moving, and World of Tomorrow.