The question; how to write an essay on your favorite movie is one that film fans and cinephiles have asked for decades. But, is it even possible to create a well-written, meaningful essay about something as subjective as personal taste in cinema?

The answer to this question is, of course, a big yes. One thing you shouldn’t overlook, though, is that it can take a lot of time, plenty of effort, and lots of practice. And if you do not have all the time, your best bet could be to seek university assignment help.

Tips for Writing Essay on Favorite Movie

To help you get started on this all-important assignment, we’ve put together a few tips that really should make the process more manageable and fun. Here are six tips for writing the best essay on your favorite movie!

I. Choose a movie that you really enjoy and can talk about in detail

When it comes to choosing a movie to write about, it’s important to select a film that you’re truly passionate about. A film you’ve seen multiple times and can quote lines from is a great choice.
You will find it easy writing about the film in detail and engage the reader in your essay. Keep in mind that it will be difficult to write a convincing and engaging essay if you’re not interested in the subject matter. So choose a movie that you really enjoy and can talk about at length for the best results.

II. Watch the movie again, taking note of the movie’s plot, the characters, and setting

Before writing anything, it’s important that you take a close look at the film you’ve chosen. This means watching it again, but this time with a critical eye.
Pay attention to the story, the characters, and the film’s overall setting. Think about how these elements come together to create a cohesive whole.
What themes are explored in the movie? What is it that the movie director was trying to communicate with their selections? By taking the time to analyze the film in this way, you’ll be able to develop a more nuanced understanding of it which will come in handy when you start writing your essay.

III. Write down your thoughts on the movie

After you’ve watched the movie a second time and taken some notes, it’s time to start brainstorming your thoughts on the film. Take note of the things liked about the movie?
Also take note of the things you didn’t you like about the movie? Not to forget, ask yourself, what themes resonated with you? How did the cinematography and writing/directing choices affect your experience watching the movie? These will help you form a solid opinion of the film.

IV. Discuss the themes of the movie and how they resonate with you

We asked top assignment writers at Essay Geeks, what is their secret of writing top essays about their favorite movies. The answer was simple; you discuss the themes that the movie explores.
What topics does the film tackle? How does it approach these topics? How do the themes resonate with you on a personal level? These are the sorts of questions that you’ll need to answer in your essay.

V. Analyze the cinematography and writing/directing choices made by the filmmakers

You want to be sure to not only discuss the themes of the film but also analyze how the filmmakers approached these themes. What decisions did filmmakers settle on in terms of cinematography and writing/directing?
How did these choices affect your experience of watching the movie? Did they enhance or detract from your enjoyment of the film? These questions will help you to get at the bottom of what exactly the filmmakers were aiming at achieving with their choices.

VI. Offer your own interpretation of the film’s message or story

What did you make of the ending? Do you think the film was successful in conveying its intended message?
What sort of emotions did the film evoke in you? Did it make you think about the world in a different way? By offering your own interpretation, you’ll be able to add your own unique voice to the essay.

2 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing About Your Favorite Movie

Writing about your favorite movie can be a fun and rewarding experience. However, there are a few mistakes that you’ll want to avoid if you want the essay to be as good as it can be. Here are two of them;

Regurgitating the plot

When you’re writing about your favorite movie, it’s important to resist the urge to simply regurgitate the plot. While it’s important to give a brief overview of what the film is about, your essay should go beyond just summarizing the story. Instead, focus on discussing the themes of the film and how these themes resonate with you.

Don’t forget to proofread

Once you’re done writing your essay, do not forget to take the time to go through it again. This can help you catch sloppy grammatical or spelling errors that could detract from your essay.
In addition, proofreading will also allow you to catch any choppy sentences or awkward phrasing. By taking the time to proofread your essay, you’ll be able to make sure that it is as polished and well-written as possible.

Closing Thoughts

Writing an essay about your favorite movie really shouldn’t be too difficult. Just be sure to take your time to understand the film, brainstorm your thoughts, and proofread your essay before submitting it.