Best Picks of The Month

The Best Picks of The Month highlight our Daily Short Picks that resonated the most with us and our audience. These are the best picks for the month of August 2024.

These four short films delve into intense, dramatic, and often surreal experiences that challenge the characters’ understanding of identity, space, and relationships. In the sci-fi short “Bathed in Light,” Lynn confronts the eerie implications of meeting her doppelgänger from an alternate universe. “Gun” a music video short by Lado Kvataniya, presents a metaphorical battle between neighbors over shared space, culminating in the discovery of a mysterious tunnel. The dark comedy “Sugar Rag” follows young Alfred as he takes drastic measures to retain his parents’ affection after the arrival of his baby brother. Finally, “Lonely Country,” which has garnered already over 270,000 views, is a poignant drama set in 1950s rural Ontario, where a closeted gay man grapples with his suppressed desires after encountering a hitchhiker.

A friendly reminder to check out all our Featured Shorts this month (below) as well as our exciting YouTube Channel.

Featured Shorts of August