It’s not uncommon to see gamblers avoiding anything associated with the number 13, whether it’s a kasyno online automaty title or table and card games at a brick-and-mortar lobby. As unbelievable as it may sound, it’s actually a phobia, and even more interestingly, the fear of the number thirteen has its own name—triskaidekaphobia.

So, the next time you find a player avoiding table 13 or not betting near 13, don’t be surprised because there are several casino superstitions surrounding it. But how did 13 get its superstitious rep? What are some common casino superstitions surrounding 13? Read on to get all your questions answered.

The Origin of the Spookiness of Number 13 in Casinos

The origins of triskaidekaphobia in casinos can be traced back to a combination of historical, cultural, and psychological factors. The association of 13 with bad luck has deep roots in various societies and has been prevalent for centuries. One historical event contributing to these beliefs is the Last Supper, where Jesus and his twelve disciples were dining before betrayal, leading to the crucifixion.
Culturally, the fear of 13 is further solidified by the belief that the 13th Friday is an unlucky day with tales of misfortunes. This association with bad luck has created a negative connotation around 13.

Moreover, psychologically, humans tend to seek patterns and assign meaning to numbers, an inclination that may have led to superstitions surrounding number 13 in life events, including gambling. Over time, these beliefs permeated the gambling industry, and players started to associate 13 with bad luck, hence avoiding it in their gambling activities.

Knowing these prevailing superstitions, many casino operators omit 13 in their design and branding in a way that feels more inviting and luckier to players. For example, some may omit room 13 or table 13.

Common Superstitions Surrounding 13 in Casinos

Superstitions significantly influence players’ behavior and decision-making when playing any game. While superstitions surrounding numbers 7 and 12 are common, many more revolve around 13, and they highly shape the player’s actions on the table. Examples of these superstitions include:

Avoiding Betting on or near Number 13

Some players avoid placing bets on 13 or any combination totaling 13, as they believe it brings bad luck. Such gamers may show the following behaviors:

  • Skip placing chips on the 13th section of the roulette wheel;
  • Avoid choosing the 13th card in certain card games.
Skipping Slot Machines Featuring 13

Superstitious gamblers tend to overlook slot machines featuring 13 on the reels or in their identification numbers. They may believe that playing such slots will lower their chances of winning.

Changing Plans Upon Encountering 13

Suppose superstitious players walk through the casino floor and, by chance, encounter the number 13 in any form, such as room or table numbers. In that case, they may change their plans to avoid negative consequences.

Refusing to Sit at Table 13

Some players exhibit triskaidekaphobia by refusing to sit at a gaming table 13. Some may wait for the next empty seat at a different table rather than sitting at a table they believe will bring them bad luck.

Avoiding 13th Floors and Rooms

Land-based casinos often avoid labeling their floors or rooms as the 13th to cater to the superstitious beliefs associated with it. The decision aims to create a more inviting environment for guests who associate the number 13 with a bad omen.

The Positive View on 13

These superstitions demonstrate the powerful influence that triskaidekaphobia holds over players in casinos, shaping their behavior in gambling venues. However, besides the bad luck associations, some individuals are still positively drawn to 13. These players tend to think differently about it, which makes them embrace the number, going against the prevailing superstitions.

For example, 13 is associated with positive female energy. In ancient cultures, the number was connected to goddesses and femininity, representing fertility, regeneration, and the cycles of nature. These cultural beliefs bring a different perspective on 13, emphasizing its positive symbolism.

On Friday the 13th, often considered unlucky, some players might be more inclined to bet on 13 black at the roulette wheel. Such players view it as an opportunity to go against the norm and potentially invite positive energy or luck associated with 13.

It’s important to remember that these interpretations and associations with the number 13 vary across cultures and individuals. While some people may embrace the positive aspects of 13, the prevailing superstitions and triskaidekaphobia still influence the broader gambling culture, leading to a general avoidance of the number in many casino settings.

Is 13 Really Superstitious?

Ultimately, the number 13 is widely regarded as superstitious and associated with bad luck in casinos, largely influencing how players behave at gaming tables. However, some individuals may have personal beliefs or experiences that associate the number 13 with positivity or luck, but the prevailing perception remains largely negative.