A conflicted paramedic struggles to maintain focus in her life after her terminally ill husband requests help in ending his.

Overworked and under slept, Mara struggles to maintain focus in her life working as a paramedic after her terminally ill husband requests help in ending his. Confronted with the certainty of losing and letting go of the person she loves most, Mara must decide between either helping her husband or holding on to their relationship while his quality of life and dignity suffer.

Director’s Statement

With THE MOTIONS, I wanted to explore the actions we often to take as humans when confronted with the harsh realities of life. From the “we need to talk” conversation of a breakup to the news of losing a loved one, we often tend to deflect or avoid the confrontation, as if by not acknowledging the issue makes the issue nonexistent. It’s delaying the inevitable, traveling down the paths of least resistance while using the coping mechanisms we choose to mask our pain. Although terminal illness plays a part in this film, THE MOTIONS is very much a film about relationships to me, asking the viewer if a loved one wants out, are you prepared to let go.