Through dynamic editing, Simply Be juxtaposes the high-energy, frenzied pace of city life with the calm and serene vistas of a National Park. By highlighting the stark contrast between the chaos of our daily routines and the tranquility of nature, the film encourages viewers to take a break from their busy lives, reconnect with the present moment, and experience the beauty of the natural world. Ultimately, the commercial aims to inspire audiences to visit a National Park near them and rediscover the peace found in nature.

Director’s Vision for ‘Simply Be’

Oftentimes, we become so entangled in our daily routines that we forget to take a moment for ourselves. Day in and day out, we follow the same patterns, losing ourselves to the unending demands of our lives. We’re trained to prioritize work, often at the expense of our physical and mental well-being. I fell victim to this monotonous cycle myself until my family forced me to join them on a brief trip to Yellowstone National Park.

For the first time in what had seemed like years, I completely put my work aside, distanced myself from any electronics, and immersed myself fully into my environment for an extended period of time. Giving my mind a break from having to constantly think and be overwhelmed with extraneous stimuli, I immediately felt my stress reducing; I was getting better sleep, and for the first time in a long time, by just being in the stillness of nature, I felt creative again. It sounds cliche, but I returned from that trip with a newfound energy and a new outlook on how I wanted to approach my daily life.

That trip to Yellowstone inspired me to create a piece that highlights the importance of breaking free from our routines and rediscovering moments of mindfulness and presence.