An intimate dive into the formation of anxiety, curation of depression, and the significance of self-care through four bold storytellers.

Director’s Vision for ‘Before We Had Insomnia’

Depression presents itself to the human body in numerous forms. The miniscule moments of serenity, the stubborn tribulations of greed, the everlasting fear of failure, and the latter. An individual’s life can be unruly, yet it is up to the individual to gain control and seek aid. In this documentary, we explore the perplexing narrative of purpose. A bold dive into the formation of anxiety, curation of depression, and the significance of mental health in the Black community. The idea of self care has finally reached a level of popularity in today’s society. This film will heighten its regard and present several resources in the form of visual poetry and stimulating storytelling. For an individual that struggles with anxiety himself, this film is my personal form of therapy to you.