Devil’s Horse

DEVIL’S HORSE is a dark dramatic comedy about Brad.

Newly single, Brad finds himself back in his Louisiana hometown. The alienation from his roots and his clumsy attempt to cling to the past come to a head when, on a sweltering afternoon drive, Brad literally runs into a Louisiana myth — the mysterious half-man, half-wolf from Louisiana folklore known as the Rougarou.

Quickly finding himself lost in the forest, he is initially hopeful when he meets a seemingly friendly couple deep in the thick of the swamp. The pleasant exchange soon turns dark, however, when Brad is robbed and beaten.

It is the shadow of the Rougarou, and Brad’s trust in it, that finally bring him out of the woods, to a spot on the shore of Lake Pontchartrain. Here, comforted by another fisherman — both kind and a little loopy — he is finally able to accept the absurdity and beauty of his irrational life.